10 Useful Features of Instagram
We have compiled for you some features that are highly functional on Instagram but unknown to many people.
10 Useful Features of Instagram
10 Useful Features of Instagram
We have compiled for you some features that are highly functional on Instagram but unknown to many people.
Instagram, one of the most popular social media platforms, has dozens of features. Of course, these features are separated according to their functions. Some of the features are designed to improve the quality of your stories, while others are designed to improve your overall Instagram experience.
Among these, there are unknown features that can take your Instagram experience one step further. We have listed these features for you.
Instagram last seen setting
Instagram last seen setting:
Thanks to the new feature on Instagram, you can see whether your friends are online or not and even when they were last online. Of course, there is a method to prevent this.
If you go to your profile and follow Settings > Privacy > Activity Status, you will see an option called 'Show Activity Status'. When you turn off this feature, your friends will no longer be able to see whether you are online or not. Of course, you will not be able to see their movement status.
Instagram data saving:
Instagram data saver:
At the end of the month, "Where did I spend all this internet?" When you ask yourself the question, if the answer is mostly 'Instagram', know that you are not alone. Instagram really uses a lot of data, but there is a method to prevent this.
You can reduce your internet usage by going to Settings and following Account > Cellular Data Usage and then turning on 'Data Saving' mode.
Secret tagging in Instagram Stories:
You posted a photo to Stories and want to tag someone, but is the image so perfect that nothing is added? You have two more options.
Secret tagging in Instagram Stories:
In the first method, you can hide the label under a sticker and get on with your life. Of course, if you intend to add nothing to the photo, you have another option:
In the second method, you can make the text you add to your story as small as possible (we are not exaggerating, it is not fully readable) and change the color of the text to match the background, making the text almost invisible.
Remove Instagram photo tags:
Remove Instagram photo tags:
Sometimes you may see that someone you don't want has tagged you in a photo from billions of years ago for 'nostalgia' purposes. Even though you have gotten over those times, your friend may want to bring it to light again, but there is a method to get rid of it.
When you enter your profile and go to the photos you are tagged in section, the photos you are tagged in will appear. If you click on the photo you do not want to appear on your profile and select the three dots at the top right, you can see a line called 'Post Options' in the menu that opens.
Through this tab, in addition to removing the photo from your profile, you can also remove the tag directly.
Hide Instagram Stories:
Hide Instagram Stories
It's natural that you don't want everyone to see the stories you share. Instagram will also be aware of this and has offered you an option to hide your stories from people you do not want.
After pressing the settings icon at the top left of the window where you post a story, you can select the people you do not want to see your story via the 'Hide Story' option.
Turn off Instagram comments:
Turn off Instagram comments:
If the comments under your posts start to bother you, you have the option to turn off the commenting feature for certain people or for all your posts.
After going to Settings > Privacy > Comments, you will be presented with a menu called 'Controls'. Here you can select the people you do not want to comment. The best part is that the people whose comments you blocked will still be able to comment on your photo, but only they will see the comment.

January 18, 2024 Instagram